Mike Schur's "How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question"

Mike Schur's "How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question"

In his latest book, "How to Be Perfect: The Correct Answer to Every Moral Question," Mike Schur, the creator of "The Good Place" and "Parks and Recreation," tackles some of life's biggest questions: What is the meaning of life? What is right and wrong? How can we live a good life? Schur's approach is both entertaining and thought-provoking, as he uses humor, philosophy, and personal anecdotes to explore these complex topics.

Schur begins by arguing that there is no one right way to live a perfect life. Instead, he suggests that we should focus on living a life that is true to ourselves and our values. He also emphasizes the importance of being kind to others and making a positive contribution to the world.

In the rest of the book, Schur explores a variety of moral issues, including the ethics of lying, the importance of forgiveness, and the nature of free will. He does so in a way that is both engaging and informative, making "How to Be Perfect" a must-read for anyone interested in living a more ethical and meaningful life.

mike schur book

How to Be Perfect is a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of morality.

  • Funny and thought-provoking
  • No one right way to live
  • Focus on values and kindness
  • Ethics of lying
  • Importance of forgiveness
  • Nature of free will
  • Engaging and informative
  • Must-read for ethical living

Schur's latest book is a must-read for anyone interested in living a more ethical and meaningful life.

Funny and thought-provoking

One of the things that makes How to Be Perfect so enjoyable is Schur's sense of humor. He uses humor to explore even the most complex moral issues, making them more accessible and relatable for readers.

  • Witty observations: Schur is a master of witty observations, and he uses humor to point out the absurdities of everyday life. For example, he writes about the time he realized that his dog was a better person than he was, because the dog was always happy to see him, no matter what.
  • Satirical scenarios: Schur also uses humor to create satirical scenarios that explore moral dilemmas. For example, he imagines a world where everyone is constantly being judged by a panel of experts, and the results are broadcast on a giant screen in the sky. This scenario forces readers to think about the nature of morality and the importance of being true to oneself.
  • Thought-provoking questions: Schur's humor is often thought-provoking, leading readers to question their own beliefs and assumptions. For example, he asks readers to consider whether it is ever right to lie, even if it is for a good cause. These questions can be difficult to answer, but they are essential for anyone who wants to live a more ethical life.
  • Relatable anecdotes: Schur also uses humor to tell relatable anecdotes about his own life. For example, he writes about the time he tried to be a vegetarian, but he failed because he couldn't resist eating bacon. These anecdotes make Schur's book more personal and engaging, and they help readers to connect with the material on a deeper level.

Schur's humor makes How to Be Perfect a more enjoyable and thought-provoking read. He uses humor to explore complex moral issues, challenge readers' beliefs, and make them laugh along the way.

No one right way to live

One of the central themes of How to Be Perfect is that there is no one right way to live. Schur argues that morality is not about following a set of rules, but about living a life that is true to oneself and one's values.

  • Embrace your individuality: Schur believes that each person is unique and has their own unique path to follow. He encourages readers to embrace their individuality and to live a life that is authentic to who they are.
  • Follow your values: Schur also argues that it is important to live in accordance with one's values. He writes that our values are like a compass that can guide us through life's challenges. When we make decisions that are in line with our values, we are more likely to feel happy and fulfilled.
  • Be kind to others: Schur believes that one of the most important things we can do in life is to be kind to others. He writes that kindness is the foundation of a good life, and that it is essential for creating a more just and compassionate world.
  • Find your own meaning: Schur also argues that it is important to find our own meaning in life. He writes that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what makes life worth living. The meaning of life is different for each person, and it is up to us to discover what it is for us.

Schur's message is that there is no one right way to live. The best way to live is to live a life that is true to oneself, one's values, and one's own unique path.

Focus on values and kindness

Schur believes that one of the most important things we can do in life is to focus on our values and to be kind to others. He argues that these two things are essential for living a good and meaningful life.

  • Identify your values: Schur encourages readers to take some time to identify their values. He writes that our values are the things that are most important to us, and that they should guide our decisions and actions. Once we know what our values are, we can start to live in accordance with them.
  • Make decisions based on your values: Once we know our values, we can start to make decisions based on them. This means making choices that are in line with what we believe is right and important. It also means saying no to things that go against our values.
  • Be kind to others: Schur also believes that it is important to be kind to others. He writes that kindness is the foundation of a good life, and that it is essential for creating a more just and compassionate world. Kindness can be shown in many ways, such as helping others, being respectful, and listening to others' perspectives.
  • Kindness is contagious: Schur argues that kindness is contagious, and that it can create a ripple effect of positivity. When we are kind to others, they are more likely to be kind to others, and so on. This can create a more positive and compassionate world for everyone.

Schur's message is that we should focus on our values and be kind to others. These two things are essential for living a good and meaningful life.

Ethics of lying

One of the ethical issues that Schur explores in How to Be Perfect is the ethics of lying. He argues that lying is generally wrong, but that there are some exceptions to this rule.

  • Lying is generally wrong: Schur believes that lying is generally wrong because it undermines trust. When we lie to someone, we are breaking their trust and making it less likely that they will trust us in the future. This can damage relationships and make it difficult to build a strong community.
  • Exceptions to the rule: Schur acknowledges that there are some exceptions to the rule against lying. For example, he believes that it is sometimes permissible to lie to protect someone from harm. He also believes that it is sometimes permissible to lie to avoid causing unnecessary pain or suffering.
  • Consider the consequences: Schur argues that when we are considering whether or not to lie, we should always consider the consequences of our actions. We should ask ourselves: who will be harmed by this lie? What are the long-term consequences of this lie? Is there a way to avoid lying that would be less harmful?
  • Be honest with yourself: Schur also believes that it is important to be honest with ourselves about why we are lying. Are we lying to protect someone else, or are we lying to protect ourselves? Are we lying because we are afraid of the truth, or are we lying because we want to avoid getting in trouble?

Schur's message is that lying is generally wrong, but that there are some exceptions to this rule. When we are considering whether or not to lie, we should always consider the consequences of our actions and be honest with ourselves about why we are lying.

Importance of forgiveness

Another important ethical issue that Schur explores in How to Be Perfect is the importance of forgiveness. He argues that forgiveness is essential for living a good and meaningful life.

Forgiveness can heal: Schur believes that forgiveness can heal the wounds that have been caused by someone's actions. When we forgive someone, we are not saying that what they did was okay, but we are saying that we are no longer going to let it control our lives. Forgiveness can free us from the pain and anger that we have been carrying around with us.

Forgiveness can help us to move on: Schur also believes that forgiveness can help us to move on with our lives. When we forgive someone, we are no longer giving them power over us. We are taking control of our own lives and moving forward.

Forgiveness can help us to build relationships: Schur also argues that forgiveness can help us to build relationships. When we forgive someone, we are opening ourselves up to them again. This can create a stronger and more meaningful relationship.

Forgiveness is not always easy: Schur acknowledges that forgiveness is not always easy. It can be difficult to forgive someone who has hurt us deeply. However, he believes that forgiveness is worth it. Forgiveness can help us to heal, move on, and build stronger relationships.

Schur's message is that forgiveness is essential for living a good and meaningful life. Forgiveness can heal our wounds, help us to move on, and build stronger relationships.

Nature of free will

One of the most challenging ethical issues that Schur explores in How to Be Perfect is the nature of free will. He asks the question: do we have free will, or are our actions determined by factors beyond our control?

The illusion of free will: Schur argues that we often have the illusion of free will. We think that we are making choices freely, but in reality, our choices are often influenced by our past experiences, our culture, and our environment. He writes that "the idea of free will is a comforting lie that we tell ourselves to make sense of a chaotic and unpredictable world."

The importance of personal responsibility: Even if we do not have complete free will, Schur believes that we are still responsible for our actions. He writes that "even if our choices are influenced by factors beyond our control, we still have the power to choose how we respond to those influences." He argues that we should not use the lack of free will as an excuse for bad behavior.

The possibility of moral progress: Schur also believes that the possibility of moral progress depends on the existence of free will. If our actions are determined by factors beyond our control, then there is no point in trying to improve our moral behavior. However, if we have free will, then we have the power to make choices that are in line with our values and to create a better world.

Schur's message is that the nature of free will is a complex and challenging issue. He does not provide easy answers, but he encourages readers to think critically about this issue and to come to their own conclusions.

Engaging and informative

One of the things that makes How to Be Perfect such a great read is that it is both engaging and informative. Schur is a gifted storyteller, and he uses his storytelling skills to bring complex ethical issues to life in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

  • Personal anecdotes: Schur uses personal anecdotes to illustrate his points. This makes the book more relatable and engaging for readers. For example, he writes about the time he tried to be a vegetarian, but he failed because he couldn't resist eating bacon. This anecdote helps readers to understand the challenges of making ethical choices.
  • Real-world examples: Schur also uses real-world examples to illustrate his points. For example, he discusses the case of a woman who was fired from her job because she refused to wear a hijab. This example helps readers to understand the ethical issues surrounding religious freedom and discrimination.
  • Thought-provoking questions: Schur also includes thought-provoking questions throughout the book. These questions encourage readers to think critically about the ethical issues that he is discussing. For example, he asks readers to consider whether it is ever right to lie, even if it is for a good cause.
  • Accessible writing style: Schur writes in an accessible and engaging style. He avoids using jargon and technical terms, making the book easy to understand for readers of all backgrounds.

Schur's engaging and informative writing style makes How to Be Perfect a must-read for anyone interested in living a more ethical and meaningful life.

Must-read for ethical living

How to Be Perfect is a must-read for anyone interested in living a more ethical and meaningful life. Schur's thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of morality will challenge readers to think critically about their own values and beliefs.

  • Accessible and engaging: Schur writes in an accessible and engaging style, making the book easy to understand for readers of all backgrounds. He also uses humor and personal anecdotes to bring complex ethical issues to life in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
  • Covers a wide range of ethical issues: Schur covers a wide range of ethical issues in the book, including the ethics of lying, the importance of forgiveness, the nature of free will, and the meaning of life. This makes the book a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about ethics.
  • Challenges readers to think critically: Schur's book is not a self-help book that provides easy answers to complex ethical questions. Instead, it challenges readers to think critically about their own values and beliefs. This can be a difficult and uncomfortable process, but it is essential for anyone who wants to live a more ethical and meaningful life.
  • Encourages readers to take action: Schur's book is not just about theory. He also encourages readers to take action and make a positive difference in the world. He writes about the importance of being kind to others, standing up for what you believe in, and making ethical choices in your everyday life.

How to Be Perfect is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a more ethical and meaningful life. Schur's thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of morality will challenge readers to think critically about their own values and beliefs, and will inspire them to take action and make a positive difference in the world.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Mike Schur's book, How to Be Perfect:

Question 1: What is the book about?

Answer: How to Be Perfect is a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of morality. Schur uses humor, philosophy, and personal anecdotes to explore complex ethical issues such as the ethics of lying, the importance of forgiveness, the nature of free will, and the meaning of life.

Question 2: Is the book funny?

Answer: Yes, the book is very funny. Schur is a gifted storyteller, and he uses his humor to make complex ethical issues more accessible and relatable for readers.

Question 3: Is the book informative?

Answer: Yes, the book is also very informative. Schur does a great job of explaining complex ethical concepts in a clear and concise way. He also includes a lot of real-world examples to help readers understand the ethical issues that he is discussing.

Question 4: Is the book challenging?

Answer: Yes, the book is challenging. Schur does not shy away from difficult ethical questions. He challenges readers to think critically about their own values and beliefs.

Question 5: Is the book worth reading?

Answer: Yes, the book is definitely worth reading. It is a thought-provoking, entertaining, and informative exploration of morality. It is a must-read for anyone interested in living a more ethical and meaningful life.

Question 6: Where can I buy the book?

Answer: The book is available for purchase at most major bookstores and online retailers.

Question 7: Is there an audiobook version of the book?

Answer: Yes, there is an audiobook version of the book narrated by Schur himself.

Question 8: Is there a sequel to the book?

Answer: Not yet, but Schur has said that he is considering writing a sequel.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ: I hope these FAQs have been helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will do my best to answer them.

In addition to reading How to Be Perfect, there are a number of other things you can do to learn more about ethics and live a more ethical life. Here are a few tips:


In addition to reading How to Be Perfect, there are a number of other things you can do to learn more about ethics and live a more ethical life. Here are four practical tips:

1. Identify your values.

The first step to living an ethical life is to identify your values. What is important to you? What do you believe in? Once you know your values, you can start to make decisions that are in line with them.

2. Be honest with yourself.

It is important to be honest with yourself about your own motivations and actions. Are you acting in a way that is consistent with your values? Are you being kind to others? Are you being fair? If you are not being honest with yourself, you will not be able to live an ethical life.

3. Consider the consequences of your actions.

Before you make a decision, take some time to consider the consequences of your actions. How will your decision affect others? How will it affect the environment? How will it affect your own well-being? Considering the consequences of your actions can help you to make more ethical choices.

4. Be willing to learn and grow.

The world is constantly changing, and our understanding of ethics is constantly evolving. It is important to be willing to learn and grow, and to change your mind when new information becomes available. If you are not willing to learn and grow, you will not be able to keep up with the changing world and you will not be able to live an ethical life.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

Following these tips can help you to learn more about ethics and live a more ethical life. Remember, there is no one right way to live an ethical life. The most important thing is to live a life that is true to yourself and your values.

Living an ethical life is not always easy. There will be times when you have to make difficult choices. However, if you are committed to living an ethical life, you will be able to overcome these challenges and live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.


How to Be Perfect is a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of morality. Schur uses humor, philosophy, and personal anecdotes to explore complex ethical issues such as the ethics of lying, the importance of forgiveness, the nature of free will, and the meaning of life.

Schur argues that there is no one right way to live a perfect life. Instead, he suggests that we should focus on living a life that is true to ourselves and our values. He also emphasizes the importance of being kind to others and making a positive contribution to the world.

How to Be Perfect is a must-read for anyone interested in living a more ethical and meaningful life. Schur's thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of morality will challenge readers to think critically about their own values and beliefs, and will inspire them to take action and make a positive difference in the world.

Closing Message:

As Schur writes, "The only way to be perfect is to be yourself." So be yourself, live your values, and make a positive difference in the world. That is the best way to live a perfect life.

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